Offering maximum flexibility and adaptability, custom sessions are created around your needs, for any orchestration.
Custom Sessions offer maximum flexibility in orchestration, accommodating everything from full orchestras and special instrumentation to pop strings sessions and solo overdubs.
Available as 2, 3 or 4hr sessions, Custom Sessions are designed to meet your specific needs within tight deadlines. Whether you're looking for a quick solo overdub or a full orchestral recording, our team delivers fast turnaround times and comprehensive technical support, allowing you to focus entirely on your music. Please reach out to discuss your project requirements.
If you don't have enough material for a custom session yet or need something more suited to your budget, then please check out our Shared Sessions
World Class
We are pleased to offer custom sessions with The Studio Orchestra at a beautiful concert hall in central London, known for its excellent versatility and acoustics. With a rich UK tradition of exceptional sight-reading and decades of studio experience, our world-class players and instruments ensure the highest standard of soundtrack recording.
The Studio Orchestra features the UK's finest session players, including international soloists, concertmasters, orchestral principals, and chamber musicians - many of whom have performed on countless Hollywood film scores.
Get In Touch
Please fill out the below custom session requirements form and we'll be in touch to discuss further with you.
Alternatively, you can contact us at sessions@thestudioorchestra.co.uk